
Take the quiz below to find out how well your own leadership skills are developed. 每个问题有两个选择. Even though you may feel that both choices express your viewpoint, select the one that best characterizes what you presently think and do. 想打印这个测试吗? 在这里下载文章.

1. 我的管理风格可以这样描述:
a. taking charge by effectively directing the activities of my sales associates.
b. attaining predetermined objectives through the voluntary cooperation of my sales staff.

2. 对我来说更重要的是:
a. 把事情做好.
b. 做正确的事.

3. 当销售人员带着问题来找我时,我:
a. 我是否尽力想出一个解决方案.
b. encourage the sales associate to try to find her own solution.

4. 作为管理者:
a. I try to create an environment where people motivate themselves.
b. 激励我的销售和支持人员是我的职责.

5. 我相信领导力:
a. 艺术是基于人与人之间的关系吗.
b. is a science to be broken into a series of components that can be mastered.

6. 我得出的结论是,领导力是:
a. 最关键的“在顶部”.”
b. 公司的每个层级都需要.

7. 在我看来,更重要的是:
a. 完成公司设定的目标.
b. 不断尝试向一个新的、更高的平台移动.

8. 我认为对我来说更重要的是:
a. 创新与增长.
b. 完成工作.

9. 我认为自己主要是:
a. 人类潜能的推动者.
b. 一个可靠的信息和好2021十大正规彩票app的来源.

10. 我在公司的职责是:
a. 公司的价值观、承诺和抱负.
b. 公司的组织、人员技能和技术.

11. 在我的办公室,我的工作是:
a. 以我为榜样“拉”别人.
b. “推动”别人实现他们的目标.

12. 我知道我做得很好,当:
a. 我办公室里的一切都很和谐.
b. 我能有效地处理冲突.


On items 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, and 11, give yourself 5 points for each “A” answer.

On items 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 12, give yourself 5 points for each “B” answer.


45-60: You have very strong leadership skills and are probably perceived as a people-person. You encourage your agents to take responsibility for themselves and help them along by encouraging them to make their own decisions. 你鼓励你的员工“更上一层楼”.” You value input from your entire staff and are willing to listen suggestions as well as complaints. Your office is probably one where the Y management theory applies—the focus is on the team rather than you as the leader or coach. 如果你在一个自上而下的组织工作, you may have difficulties with senior management who have a different notion of what your management style should be.

35-40: While you have a predominance of leadership characteristics, you still see yourself on some occasions as the primary expert in your office. There are times when you may prefer to just solve the problem as opposed to letting the parties come to their own solution. You may feel that your agents’ success or failure reflects primarily upon you because you perceive the agents as your personal responsibility. 不过, the team is probably quite important to you and you would feel quite uncomfortable in an organization that was strictly top-down.

15-30: 你把自己的角色看作是管理者而不是领导者. Your focus on problem solving and being a source of information and motivation can be quite effective for those individuals who need someone else to motivate them. 你喜欢设定目标,然后实现它们. You also believe achieving company-set goals is quite important. 当有问题时, 你相信它可以被分析然后解决, 通常在你的帮助下. You probably prefer that your agents come to you with their problems, 但这往往会让他们非常依赖你. You may spend so much time putting out fires that you often do not get to other important tasks that you need to complete.

0-10: You believe in the X theory of management--the traditional top-down organization. You believe it is your responsibility to solve your agents’ problems, 确保公司的政策得到遵守, 激励你的代理人取得成功, 推动你的特工实现他们的目标. Unfortunately, this creates an environment where your staff may become extremely dependent upon you. 也, if you do not come up with the correct solution for a problem, 你的员工会责怪你,而不是承担责任. 也, the weight of always pushing your agents to achieve their goals or follow company policy may be getting you down. If you are working for a company that believes in a Y organization (where the leader works side by side with the other members of the team), 你可能会有困难.

柏妮丝·罗斯博士.D., 是一位作家, 演讲者, 教练, and coach who combines her expertise in psychology with more than 30 years of real estate sales experience. 访问realestatecoach.来了解她的咨询和教练服务.