Will a buyer be automatically given 10 days to conduct inspections for lead-based paint in all transactions?

含铅涂料的检查权适用于目标房屋的销售. 10天的期限可以协商, 但如果没有指定其他时间, the buyer will have 10 days to conduct inspections for lead-based paint before becoming obligated under the contract. 10天权利不适用于目标房屋的租赁.

Are there instances in which the rules about providing the lead-based paint addendum don't apply?


1. 12月以后建造的房屋. 31, 1977; 
2. 老年人或残疾人住房(没有六岁以下儿童居住的);
3. 没有卧室的住宅, 这意味着生活区和睡眠区是不分开的,比如高效公寓, 宿舍住房, 军营, 和单间;
4. 止赎目标房屋的销售情况;
5. leases of target housing that are found to be free of lead-based paint by an inspector certified under the federal certification program or under a federally accredited state or tribal certification program;
6. short-term leases of 100 days or fewer where no lease renewal or extension can occur; and
7. renewals of existing leases in target housing in which the lessor has previously disclosed all information and where no new information has come into his possession.


关于租赁交易, 该协会于5月15日修订了其住宅租赁表格, 1996. 这些修改包括在租约中的通知, 段35, 就法律规定的要求向当事人提供意见. 如果房产建于1978年之前, 关于含铅涂料的附录(TAR 024H)可能会附在租约上. The association also made available copies of the federal lead hazards information pamphlet that tenants will receive prior to executing a lease.

Do these rules apply if I am selling an apartment complex for an owner in a commercial real estate transaction?



虽然铅中毒通常不会表现出明显的症状, blood levels as low as 10 micrograms per deciliter (mg/dl) have been associated with learning disabilities, 增长的障碍, 永久性听力和视力障碍, 以及对大脑和神经系统的其他损害. 铅暴露也会改变胎儿发育并导致流产. 它对六岁以下儿童和孕妇的危害尤其严重. In 1991, the secretary of Health and Human Services characterized lead poisoning as the number-one environmental threat to the health of children in the United States. 一项全国健康调查表明,在过去20年里, 儿童的平均血铅水平已经从12下降.8毫克/分升到2毫克/分升.8 mg / dl. In 1991, 1.700万美元.S. 6岁以下儿童的血铅水平超过10毫克/分升. Efforts to reduce lead exposure from gasoline and food cans have been successful and have contributed to the decline in blood lead levels. 然而,含铅涂料仍然构成威胁. About 83% of the privately owned housing units built in the United States before 1980 contain some lead-based paint (approximately 64 million homes). The lead from paint can flake off and dust caused during normal wear can create a hard-to-see film over surfaces. Even regular cleaning and dusting can disperse fine dust particles containing lead into the air. 如果处理不当,暴露的铅可能被吸入或摄入.


它指的是1978年以前建造的房屋. It does not include housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities unless a child less than six years of age resides or is expected to reside in the housing. 它不包括没有卧室的住宅.


"Lead-based paint" refers to paint or other surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of 1 milligram per square centimeter or 0.重量5%. "Lead-based paint hazard" refers to any condition that causes exposure to lead from lead-contaminated dust, 土壤或油漆变质或存在于可触及的表面, 会对人体健康造成不利影响的摩擦表面或撞击表面.


对于拥有四套以上住宅的业主,该规定于9月9日生效. 6, 1996. 对于拥有一至四套住宅的业主,这些规定将于12月6日生效. 6, 1996.

Will a buyer be automatically given 10 days to conduct inspections for lead-based paint in all transactions?

含铅涂料的检查权适用于目标房屋的销售. 10天的期限可以协商, 但如果没有指定其他时间, the buyer will have 10 days to conduct inspections for lead-based paint before becoming obligated under the contract. 10天权利不适用于目标房屋的租赁.

Does it matter which party signs the Addendum for Seller's Disclosure of Information on 含铅油漆 and 含铅油漆 Hazards (TAR 1906, TREC OP-L)?

是的. The seller must sign first because the seller has the obligation to provide information to the buyer regarding any known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards, as well as any records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards that the seller may have.

The prospective buyer must have this information when deciding whether to conduct a risk assessment or inspection for the presence of lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards. Note that this seller’s disclosure must be made before any contract for the purchase of a residential dwelling built before 1978 is executed by the buyer.

What's the difference between the pamphlet Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home and the lead warning statement required in a contract or lease?

"Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home" was written by the EPA and is a small booklet containing about 16 pages that generally discusses the sources of lead, where to obtain additional information and what precautions a person should take when buying or leasing a dwelling with lead-based paint. 该小册子应作为资料提供给每个买方或承租人. 开头的警告声明是特定的语言, 规则规定的, 这必须包含在销售或租赁合同中. The lead warning statement will be placed in the addendum that will be attached to the lease or contracts. 这是一个关于含铅涂料和含铅涂料危害的简短段落.




Provide all prospects the pamphlet "Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home" as early as possible. 出售或租赁1978年以前建造的房屋, use the addenda regarding lead-based paint at the time the buyer or tenant is prepared to make the offer. 因为附录将包含卖方或业主的披露, 按照获得卖方披露通知时使用的相同程序使用附录. 在准备报价之前, the broker working with the buyer or tenant will need to contact the listing agent for a copy of the addendum completed by the seller or landlord.

如果一处房产被贷款人取消赎回权,贷款人将该房产挂牌出售, 贷款人(新业主)必须遵守规定吗?

是的. 有关止赎买卖的豁免仅限于止赎买卖本身.