如果你做2021十大正规彩票app专家有一段时间了, you have probably experienced three common facts about home inspections: No house is perfect; nobody likes surprises; and the sales price of a home never goes up after a buyer’s inspection.

每个属性都是独一无二的, but whether it is a 100-year-old bungalow in an established neighborhood or a modern mansion in a new subdivision, they all have one thing in common: Every home is subjected to day-to-day wear and tear caused by people or natural conditions and almost always needs something serviced, 修理, 或替换. 然而, 许多购房者, 卖家, and agents seem to still be surprised 当 they don’t receive a 100% clean inspection report. 因为这种不切实际的期望, 重新协商合同, 交易失败, 交易陷入法律纠纷, 客户-代理关系破裂. One way to avoid these situations is​ full disclosure​ by having a pre-listing (or seller’s) inspection.


在商业中保持透明度是个好主意, and a pre-listing inspection is one of the best ways to be totally transparent, 减少责任, 为每个参与者设定现实的期望. There are no secrets; issues are disclosed and addressed; it’s honest, 积极主动的, 正规, 让你和你的卖家掌握信息. And since the first offer (and subsequent counteroffers) are based on better, 更准确的信息, 透明可以更快地, 没有令人头疼的销售和更少的最后一刻谈判诡计.


大多数买家都是基于情感做出购买决定的. 在没有上市前检查的典型交易中, the buyer orders an inspection that reveals some major and minor issues that neither the buyer nor seller was expecting. 这条新信息可能会破坏整个交易. 买方希望卖方修理一切, 卖家不想修理任何东西,你只是想帮助双方达成协议. 此时此刻, 买家通常有三种选择:接受房产原貌, 协商维修和/或降价, 或者终止协议.

有时,随后的谈判进行得很顺利,交易达成了. 其他时间, 这是一个僵局, 这笔交易失败了, and the house goes back onto the market with an ugly inspection report to disclose and a negative mark on its sales history.


上市前的检查可以让买家更放心, 提供内心的平静, and take away much of the worry and fear that go into a major purchase decision. 例如, let’s say that your pre-listing inspection reveals that there is foundation settlement, a very common condition in many Texas markets that often becomes a deal-breaker. 但要先做房屋检查, the 卖家 are still in control of the deal and have time to get proper evaluations and estimates from foundation repair companies or engineers of their choice. If the professionals recommend installing piers to reinforce the foundation, the 卖家 now have the choice to have the work performed or make a price adjustment. 无论哪种方式,信息都是透明的. 如果地基已修复, it becomes a non-issue and adds value due to a transferable 保修 on the work performed. If the foundation is not 修理, the 卖家 now have realistic expectations for the sale. 如果你的卖家决定不修理或者买不起, they at least now know about the issues that will likely affect the sales price.


Bad news doesn’t get better with time, and avoiding it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. 问题 with a home will eventually be discovered by the buyer’s inspector and have to be disclosed and addressed at either the seller’s or buyer’s expense.

此外,房屋关闭后可能会出现问题. 当房屋的缺陷在关闭前没有被发现, 然而, surprise issues can become legal issues that your client—and possibly you—could be held liable for. By having a third-party inspector document the condition of the home with a pre-listing inspection, the seller will be disclosing everything that is known and greatly reduce the potential liability from anything that might arise after closing.


在出售房屋时进行上市前检查, 你可以和卖家商量决定买什么, 当, 以及如何在房子上市前解决任何问题. 这意味着不再有任何反应. 你和你的客户要按照自己的时间表来估算, 进行维修, 或者考虑价格调整. 更多的信息可以帮助你确定价格, 减少买家的恐惧, and decrease the number of negotiation problems or unpleasant surprises while increasing the speed of the sale and the level of satisfaction for all.


The seller typically pays for a pre-listing inspection; 然而, some agents offer to cover this expense as an added value instead of offering a commission discount. Other agents use the pre-listing inspection as a tool to set seller expectations and manage listings with obvious challenges. 然后,代理可以评估卖方对交易的承诺. If big issues are discovered during the pre-listing inspection that a seller is unwilling to address or consider making concessions, the agent can choose whether to continue working with a reluctant seller or invest time and marketing dollars elsewhere.