提交委员会申请的截止日期是6月30日. Hear more from these three and other REALTORS® on why you should sign up for a committee at elahomecollection.com/countmein 今天就申请.

Applications are now open to apply for one of the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® committees that serve you and the association in areas such as housing initiatives, 会员的好处, 专业发展, 美国职业足球大联盟 & 技术等等.

Here, three REALTORS® discuss their committee experience and why you should get involved.

伊丽莎白·麦科伊, 他是沃斯堡Williams Trew公司的销售主管和联合经纪人, 在公共政策税务委员会任职三年, where she has gained insight into property taxes and how they have affected her clientele.

肯德拉诺伍德 is the owner of RE/MAX Innovations with her husband Devlin Norwood, working out of the Dallas area. She has been a part of multiple committees and has found you can never stop learning about the real estate profession.

Adrian Arriaga is managing director of Sperry 商业 全球 Affiliates – The Arriaga Group in McAllen. Arriaga joined the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 商业 Committee in 2018 after serving two stints as president of his local association.


“我是一个教育爱好者, 我相信在委员会中有很多东西可以学习和分享,诺伍德说. “I have had the opportunity to network with REALTORS® from across Texas and hear their stories about various aspects of housing. 我喜欢听别人的经历, and it is rewarding being a part of the association’s decision making.”


“这太棒了,”麦考伊说. 从一开始, 我不觉得自己对这个话题了如指掌, 所以第一年我都在听, 阅读所有材料. 工作人员在教育委员会问题方面表现出色. 当你参与到国家层面, you start to see how the machine really operates effectively and is doing so many good things in advocacy and providing resources to members. 那里有很多价值.”


“I have been able to take real information back to my agents and talk about the successes 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® has had and what we as an industry have done to better the position of property owners,麦考伊说. “That is real information to take to their clients at a time when the value proposition of REALTORS® is under attack. It is so important that we embrace the work our association is doing and why consumers need to use REALTORS® and value our services.”


我们150年,000人在德州, and there is a plethora of information and knowledge that we all bring to the table,诺伍德说. “There is a whole host of committees—something will appeal to you in some way. I want that person who is not on a committee yet to know that we need you to get involved, because our association needs you to be a part of the decision making.”


“One positive accomplishment of the 商业 Committee is the new Texas Association 商业 Specialist (TACS) designation,Arriaga说. “Coming up with that designation was a way for 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® to provide members with the first step into the commercial world.”


“There are so many committee choices for any REALTOR® if you want to be involved,Arriaga说. “德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®对每个人都非常包容. If you are willing to volunteer at the state level, I would just say do it.”


每一个声音都很重要, and every person—whether a brand-new REALTOR® or somebody who has been practicing real estate for over 20 years—there is always something to give back,诺伍德说. “作为委员会成员参与其中的回报是无价的.”

“找一件你擅长的事情,”Arriaga说. “If you’re a commercial guy like me, hey, commercial is the way to go. If you’re interested in the 美国职业足球大联盟 or technology, then apply for the 美国职业足球大联盟 & 技术委员会-无论您在哪里可以发挥您的专业知识.”

“参与进来,”麦考伊说. “我们有150个。,000 members in 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® and are really making an impact in many areas, 但是我们需要更多的志愿者. Your input and experiences are always welcomed and appreciated on a committee.”