
弗雷德里克斯堡市将短期租赁定义为私人拥有的住宅, including but not limited to a single-family dwelling, multiple family attached dwelling, 公寓, 公寓, 双工, 活动房屋, or any portion of such dwellings rented by the public for consideration, 用来居住, 住宿, or sleeping purposes for any period less than 30 days.

Tourism is a major industry in Fredericksburg. 以桃子闻名, the Hill Country city is home to a wide variety of shops, 酒庄, 婚礼场地, 艺术画廊, 节日, 还有历史遗迹, 其他景点.

弗雷德里克斯堡的居民在短期租赁(STRs)问题上存在分歧。. Some property owners were eager to rent their homes to out-of-towners, while others complained the visitors were disruptive to the community.

“STRs are needed in Fredericksburg,亚伦·比曼说, 2022年中央丘陵国家2021十大正规彩票app经纪人委员会(CHCBR)主席和eXp Realty经纪人助理. “我们有酿酒厂、婚礼和所有这些需要住宿的行业. If you start removing STRs, that changes everything.”

Reaching Out to 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® for Help

弗雷德里克斯堡已经有了STR许可程序和规范该市10便士的条例.m. 到7岁.m. quiet hours, 灯 as a Dark Sky Community, and onsite and offsite parking. 比曼认为,这些条例的执行不一致导致了更多的噪音, 灯, 停车十大网络彩票平台大全, which in turn prompted discussion of stricter rules. 一些居民厌倦了城市范围内的str,希望减少它们——或者根本没有.

STR的支持者于2021年春季成立了弗雷德里克斯堡德克萨斯州短期租赁联盟,以促进公平合理的监管. It later published a guidebook titled “Fostering Good Neighbor Relations & Preventing Nuisance 十大网络彩票平台大全.”

Despite the alliance’s efforts, city officials began considering a new, more restrictive STR ordinance. CHCBR wrote a letter opposing an early draft of the ordinance, but the letter did not shift public opinion away from the stricter rules.

2020年CHCBR总裁Emaly Baehr联系了德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®,询问动员援助问题. 该委员会于2022年2月申请并获得了州协会的拨款. At that point, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® got involved.

Get Help with Your Local 问题

你所在社区是否有什么地方问题会影响德州其他地区的2021十大正规彩票app行业? 是否有新条例会对业主或地产专业人士造成不利影响? 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® wants to know! 您当地的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会可以向德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人问题政治行动委员会(TRIP)申请帮助。, formerly the 问题 Mobilization Political Action Committee. If your application is approved, TRIP can provide political expertise, 战略指导, 市场营销, and/or funding to help you address your local issue. TRIP还可以向当地协会提供2021十大正规彩票app或非正式指导,而无需申请. Contact your local REALTOR® association for more information.


德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人问题政治行动委员会(TRIP)为当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人支持的活动提供财政支持和其他类型的援助,使2021十大正规彩票app经纪人和当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会能够组织和管理有效的活动,以促进2021十大正规彩票app经纪人在公共政策上的立场, 比如法律, 规定, 和法令. TRIP还考虑当地的行动是否会开创先例或影响该州其他地方的2021十大正规彩票app.

trips的地方问题基金帮助支持或反对地方政府机构提出的有关保护不动产权利的措施或行动, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人, and the legal and economic rights of the real estate industry.

TRIP’s help can take several forms, including funding for activities and tools, a coordinated advocacy campaign, or behind-the-scenes expertise and resources.

“我们建立了一个号召行动的网站,并将其设计成便于网站访问者向弗雷德里克斯堡市政府官员发送电子邮件,” says 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Director of Public Policy Julia Parenteau. “We also helped the local association communicate effectively with the city. 我们帮助他们找到谈话要点,并与他们一起找到正确的论点. We gave them direction for who to talk with, 起草正式信函, and testimony before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council.”


弗雷德里克斯堡市议会听取了近五个小时的公众意见,然后于3月7日推出了STR条例. During the following two weeks, REALTORS® and alliance members met with city officials asking for revisions.

“When we met with the city manager and attorney, Julia Parenteau甚至指出了他们在条例草案中没有注意到的可能导致法律诉讼的问题,比曼说。. “这让我大开眼界. The city saw we weren’t playing around. If we had reached out to TRIP even sooner, 我们本可以对这个过程施加更大的影响,得到更多我们想要的东西.”

有关弗雷德里克斯堡短期租赁条例的更多信息,请访问 fbgtx.org 并选择选项 短期租金指引.

条例》没有. 2022-13在2022年3月21日市议会会议上获得批准,并于4月1日生效. 在几项守则修订中,该条例界定了str的例子及其位置. “总的来说,该条例是 很多 better than where it started,” Parenteau says. “There are some problems with it, but overall it is a win. 当地协会在为会员和客户辩护方面做得很好.”

It’s too early to tell how the ordinance will affect the city, 它的经济, 还有2021十大正规彩票app, but STR providers have clearer direction on how to welcome guests. The debate over STRs will likely continue in Fredericksburg. 有人说,在即将到来的市议会和市长竞选中,str将成为一个主要问题. “总会有人出于某种原因讨厌str,”比曼说. “My take on STRs is anything that drives tourists is good for your economy.”

CHCBR主席很高兴当地协会伸出援手,并能够与TRIP合作. 他们的共同努力和居民的支持为所有弗雷德里克斯堡居民带来了更好的条例和更好的情况. 比曼补充说:“当TRIP参与进来时,事情才开始有所进展。.