Texas cities and towns top list for fastest growth

美国.S. 人口普查局对旧金山进行了排名, 新布朗费尔斯, and Pflugerville in the top three spots of the fastest-growing large
cities and towns by percentage in 2017.

旧金山增长了8%.2%, 新布朗费尔斯 by 8%, and Pflugerville by 6.5% between July 2016 and July 2017.

乔治敦大学(排名第6), 麦金尼大学(排名第9), 花丘(排名11), and Cedar Park (13) also landed on the list for their growth during the same time period.

Numeric population increase big in Texas, too

San Antonio ranked first for cities with the largest population gain between 2016 and 2017, gaining the equivalent of about 66 people per day.

Four other Texas cities also landed on the U.S. Census Bureau’s list of cities with the largest numeric increase last year.

Number of people added between July 2016 and July 2017:


Top 15 most populous cities include five in Texas

Houston’s total population in 2017 was 2,312,717, making it the fourth most-populous city in America behind New York, 洛杉矶, 和芝加哥.

Other Texas cities ranking in the top 15 include seventh-ranked San Antonio (1,411,946), 排名第九的达拉斯(1),341,075), and eleventh-ranked Austin (950,715).

这是第一次, 沃斯堡(874,168)排名第15位, 击败印第安纳波利斯(863),002)从列表中删除.